Scaran Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Is Your Home Still Too Cold? Here Are 4 Possible Reasons

Monday, March 19th, 2018

man-keping-warmWe may be in for a wet and cold stretch here at the beginning of spring—although that’s not much of a surprise in Staten Island. Even though this is the time of year when we recommend customers arrange for a professional inspection and tune-up for their air conditioning system (prep early, you never know what’s around the corner), staying warm is still going to be the first priority for the next few weeks.

But has staying warm in your home been difficult this year? If you’re experiencing cold spots in your house and find more often the family congregating in only certain areas because of the poor heating, there are things you can do about it. But first, let’s find out why it’s happening.

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How a Malfunctioning Thermostat Affects Your Heating

Monday, March 5th, 2018

setting-thermostatThe thermostat appears to be a simple device. You adjust it and program it so you have the indoor climate you want, and probably don’t give much more thought to it than that. (Unless, of course, you’ve got family members arguing over what temperature to set it!)

But many common problems homeowners encounter with their heating systems can be traced to thermostat malfunctions. These problems can be mistaken for issues in the heater itself, and this is one of the reasons you always want to call on professionals for any service for your heating in Staten Island, NY that you might need. The experts can detect if the trouble is in the heater or if the thermostat is at fault.

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Benefits of Having a Ductless Heating and Cooling System

Monday, February 5th, 2018

ductless-mini-split-on-wallDuctless heat and cooling systems, a.k.a. ductless mini split heat pumps, are popular in Europe and Japan and have also become common in businesses in the U.S. Only recently have they started to enter residential buildings, but homeowners are finding they’re a great option to standard central air.

A ductless mini split is a heat pump that doesn’t attach to a single indoor unit, but instead links to multiple indoor air handlers. These units are small and mounted up on walls. They send conditioned air straight into rooms without the need for an inch of ductwork.

What are the benefit of having a heating and cooling system like that? Quite a few!

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When Are Repairs No Longer Enough for a Heating System?

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

question-mark-badgeWhat’s the average lifespan of a central heating system in a home? There’s no single right answer, because it depends on the type of heater, how much it works, and how regularly it receives professional maintenance. (The correct regularity for maintenance, by the way, is every fall.) What’s important about a heater’s lifespan is to recognize when it’s coming to the point where repairs are no longer enough—it’s time to have the heater replaced with a new unit.

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Helping to Prevent Furnace Hazards This Winter

Monday, November 27th, 2017

gas-furnace-flamesThe best way to keep a home warm through the heavy cold of a Staten Island winter is with a natural gas-powered furnace. Few other types of heating systems can provide the level of heating a gas furnace can, so even homes that have trouble with drafts can enjoy the right amount of heating to stay warm. Natural gas is a less expensive energy source than electricity and propane, which helps make those winter utility bills much easier to bear.

However, gas furnaces do require some special cautions to keep them operating safely. We don’t want to give you the impression that these heating systems are inherently dangerous. But any appliance that burns natural gas has the potential for the leak of toxic emissions and combustion hazards, no matter how many safety precautions are built into it. We want you and your family to have a worry-free winter with your furnace, and here are steps to help that happen:

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Signs You May Need to Call for Furnace Repair

Monday, November 20th, 2017

furnace-repair-technicianThe furnace is one of the oldest types of heating system still found in homes. When we first started in business back in 1930, our company delivered coal, which was the principle fuel that furnaces used at the time. Our business changed along with furnace technology: residential furnaces no longer run from coal, but from natural gas, electricity, or liquid propane. We work with a range of furnace types, and we also deliver natural gas to homes. We’re the people to contact whenever you have trouble with your furnace in Staten Island, NY. We’ll work to have your furnace back in working order, and back it up with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

But furnace malfunctions can be a bit tricky and insidious. There aren’t always easy to identify when they start up. Below is a short guide to some common signs that your furnace has problems and you should call us to check it out.

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Some Benefits of Using a Boiler System for Heating

Monday, October 30th, 2017

boiler-residentialThroughout New York, there are two types of heating systems found in most homes: the forced-air furnace or the hydronic boiler. Both types of heaters have long histories, going back to times when they both used coal as fuel. In fact, when we started in business back in 1930, we delivered the coal furnaces in buildings burned to generate heat.

Today, most boilers and furnaces run from natural gas, which is also one of our specialties, as we’re an ESCO (energy service company) that allows customers to purchase their home’s natural gas directly from us. Furnaces and boilers can also operate from electricity, which generally makes them more expensive to run.

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Is It Time to Replace Your Old Furnace This Fall?

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

home-basement-furnaceNow that it’s October, it’s a good time to start making winter preparations with your heating system. It’s always best to have these jobs done when the weather is still warm and you don’t have to worry about going without your furnace for a few hours, or even a few days. We recommend you schedule heating maintenance in Staten Island, NY during October so you’ll have plenty of time to take care of any repairs the system might need.

Or have the furnace replaced entirely.

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