Scaran Blog: Archive for the ‘Water Heaters’ Category

Give Your Home Some Love with a Water Heater Upgrade

Monday, February 10th, 2025

February is perhaps most well-known for Valentine’s Day and being the season of love. What better way to show your family love them by upgrading your older water heater to a new model? Not only will you enjoy more comfortable showers and baths, but you could also save some money on your utility costs for both water and either gas or electricity.

No matter what type of water heater you are interested in getting, our team can help. From tank to tankless and even heat pump models, we can find the water heater to fit your needs. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about upgrading to a new water heater, including how you can save with current tax credits on heat pump models.

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How to Know If You Need Water Heater Repair

Monday, January 16th, 2023
Technician servicing an hot-water heater

Your water heater is built to last, but that doesn’t mean it won’t have problems from time to time. But how do you know if there’s something wrong with your water heater? Understanding the subtle signs that something is wrong can help you address repair needs before they cause big problems for your home.

If you think you need water heater repair in Woodbridge, NJ, our team can help. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about how to know if you need water heater repair. Keep in mind that even if you have a tankless water heater, you still may run into problems from time to time.

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Water Heater 101: Everything You Should Know

Monday, July 19th, 2021

Industrial boiler gas regulation and metering moduleToday we’re going to dive into the wonderful world of water heaters. It really doesn’t matter if you’re getting repair work done or going to the point of replacing your system, there’s a lot you need to know about water heaters.

We want to optimize your time while giving you a crash course in everything water heaters. We can tell you all that you need to know because we’re experts. We specialize in water heaters in Woodbridge, NJ. If you need quality care, then we’re the team that can provide it for you. Let get into it…

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Thinking About a New Water Heater? Go Tankless!

Monday, February 19th, 2018

tankless-water-heaterThe water heater is a heating system in your home that goes to work every day of the year. It doesn’t matter if its 10°F outside or 100°F or any range between—you need hot water for daily chores. Cooking, cleaning, showering. Your water heater consumes the most energy of any heating system in your house, and it does it year-round.

That’s why we recommend you give careful consideration to your next water heater installation in Woodbridge, NY. No water heater lasts forever, and if your current one is over 15 years old or has started to fail to deliver the amount of hot water you expect, it’s time to plan for a new one. And why not make a big change from a standard storage tank water heater to a tankless water heater?

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Check Out Our Blog for the Latest in Drain and Sewer, Water Heater, Plumbing, and Remodeling Technology

Monday, July 17th, 2017

Be sure to bookmark the Scaran blog for updates on the latest advances in drain and sewer, water heater, plumbing, and remodeling technology.

We’ll feature money saving promotions here as well.

Call Scaran for all your drain and sewer, water heater, plumbing, and remodeling needs.

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