If you have a faucet that drips a little, you may not give it too much thought. After all, a single drip can’t be that big of a deal, right? But the thing is, a leaky faucet really is a big problem. In fact, it can actually be a sign of deeper plumbing issues.
Keep reading to learn more about the risks you face with a leaky faucet that doesn’t get fixed. Then give our team a call to schedule your repair appointment for a leaky faucet in Staten Island, NY. We can help you get down to the root of the problem and fix it so it doesn’t continue happening.
Cost Increases
If you have a leaky faucet, your home is consuming more water than it should with normal use. This means your water bill will be higher than it should.
It may not seem like a few extra dollars a month is that much, but leaky faucets can add up quickly, especially if you have multiple faucets in your home dripping all day every day. Leaky faucets don’t resolve on their own, so the problem will only worsen with time. A drip every ten seconds could turn into a drip every few seconds instead.
Water Waste
Aside from the increase in cost, you also want to consider that wasting water is bad for the environment. If every home had a leaky faucet, that could add up to a lot of water waste over the course of a year. Maintaining your faucets so that they don’t leak isn’t just good for your home and family, it’s also a positive step toward caring for our planet.
Mold Growth
A leaky faucet can promote mold growth. Having water constantly drip in your sink can lead to mold in the sink itself or in the drain lines. Plus, a persistent drip can lead to more water evaporating into the air and increasing humidity levels around your home. Higher than normal humidity may increase the likelihood of a mold infestation.
Deeper Issues
You also want to consider that a leaky faucet may point to an even bigger problem. Sure, fixing a leaky faucet may be as simple as tightening the fixture down or even replacing it with a newer fixture. But it’s also possible that the reason for a leaky faucet is somewhere deeper in your plumbing system. Replacing your faucet may not be enough to address the larger problem at hand.
For example, your pipes may be corroded and contributing to the leak. Or maybe there are valves that are faulty and allowing the water to flow when you are not actively using it. High water pressure is another example of something that can cause a leaky faucet. It’s important to enlist the help of a professional plumbing technician who can dig deep and determine the exact cause of the leaky faucet so that it can be fixed and prevent future issues.
Contact Scaran today to schedule an appointment with our professionals for your leaky faucet solution.