Scaran Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

3 Common AC Repairs We See

Monday, May 6th, 2024

When it comes to air conditioning repairs, some are more common while others pop up far less frequently. There are some air conditioning repairs that we see in homes over and over again. You can keep reading to learn more about the three most common air conditioning repair needs that we see in the community and what each one means for your unit.

Then give our team a call when you’re ready to schedule your central air repair in Edison, NJ. It’s especially important to call us if you notice the signs of any of these three common repair needs. Staying ahead of AC problems can make a huge difference in how your unit operates now and across its entire service life.

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Why Refrigerant Leaks Are Big Trouble for an AC

Monday, August 14th, 2023

When it comes to AC problems, there are some things that you can put off service for. A refrigerant leak is not one of those things. If you suspect that your air conditioner has a refrigerant leak, you need to get the problem fixed right away.

A refrigerant leak is a sign that it’s time to schedule an air conditioning repair in New Brunswick, NJ. You can keep reading to learn more about how to identify refrigerant leaks, as well as why they are so dangerous when they go unaddressed.

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Be Aware of These End-of-Season AC Repairs

Monday, August 22nd, 2022


Summer is winding down and a lot of us are looking forward to the cooler temperatures of fall. You may not think that AC repairs matter at the end of the season, so scheduling AC maintenance probably isn’t on your radar. But your air conditioner has been working hard all summer to keep your home cool and comfortable through high temperatures.

There may be signs that your AC is struggling or in need of maintenance before the summer is over. If you think you need AC repair in Staten Island, NY, give our team a call. In the meantime, you can watch and listen for these signs that your air conditioner needs end-of-season repairs as we head into fall. 

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Do You Need Professional AC Repair?

Monday, June 7th, 2021

service-timeAre you wondering if you need professional air conditioning repair for your home? We understand why you’d wonder. Things aren’t always crystal clear. There are many other things on your plate on a daily basis, so we understand how your air conditioning repair service needs might not leap out to you.

If you realize that you need central AC repair in Staten Island, NY this summer, then it’s time for you to schedule an appointment with our team members. We know how to marry fast service with quality service. You can have it all because our team members are available to provide it to you.

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Don’t Wait to Call for AC Repair

Monday, July 6th, 2020

If you’ve got an air conditioning problem happening at home, it’s time for you to schedule an appointment with our team of professionals. We know that sometimes it seems like you can just wait around for your air conditioning problems to fix themselves or that you can just power through the problems that you’re currently experiencing—summer is going to fly by after all, right?

While it may be true that summer is going to fly past us before we even know it, this doesn’t mean you can’t be comfortable while it’s here. You want true comfort and you want energy efficiency on top of this. We can help you get it through AC repair in East Brunswick, NJ. Schedule an appointment with us today.

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It’s Time for AC Repair If…

Monday, June 10th, 2019

old-air-conditionerSometimes it can be a little tricky to tell if the problem you’re having is big enough to call a professional team for repair service. You don’t want to call prematurely and waste money over a non-issue and you don’t want to wait too long and run the risk of your air conditioner breaking down.

Sometimes it’s hard for you to know when you should call a professional. We understand. We don’t expect you to understand all the minute details of your air conditioning system. If you read the details of this blog below and realize that you’re going to need air conditioning repair in Edison, NJ, make sure you contact our team at Scaran.  

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