Scaran Blog: Archive for June, 2024

Tips for Making a Loud Central AC Run Quieter

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Is your air conditioner making a lot of racket during operation? If so, you may be wondering how to quiet all the noise so that it fades into the background instead of being loud enough that you have to speak over it. Keep reading to learn our tips for ensuring quiet AC operation and knowing when to call for service because your AC’s sounds are getting out of hand.

Just give us a call for loud noises in your central air conditioning in Staten Island, NY and we can help troubleshoot. Sometimes noisy operation is easy enough to address yourself, but other times you need to leave it to the AC pros. When in doubt, it’s always better to play it safe and reach out for help. 

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Signs You Need to Invest in Repairs for Your HVAC Ducts and Air Vents

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

You know about investing in maintenance and repairs for your air conditioner, but what about the ductwork attached to your AC? It plays a crucial role in how well your HVAC system is able to heat and cool your home and deserves a little TLC from time to time, too.

If it has been a few years, if ever, that you’ve invested in maintenance and repairs for your ductwork, now is a great time to schedule this service. You can give our team a call to schedule HVAC duct and vent repair in Woodbridge, NJ. Then keep reading to learn more about the signs that can indicate it is time for your ductwork to be repaired.

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