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Why Your AC Seems to Run All the Time

Does it seem like your air conditioner is always on? You might think that this is a good thing and that your AC is working hard to keep your home cool. But the truth is that your air conditioner needs to take breaks in between cycles instead of running constantly.

If you notice your air conditioner staying on for extended periods of time, you need to give our team a call so we can check out your air conditioning in Edison, NJ. You can also keep reading to learn more about some of the reasons why your air conditioner may be on more often than not.

Airflow Problems

Having airflow problems is a common reason for your air conditioner to be on for longer cooling cycles. Airflow problems can happen in one of two ways. First, airflow can be blocked into your system via the great where the air filter is located. If the air filter gets too clogged with dirt, it can prevent enough airflow from entering the system.

As a result, your air conditioner may stay on for longer as it attempts to bring in more air to cool down and blow into your home. If you suspect that this is a problem, change out your air filter for a new one to see if your air conditioning cycles are more reasonable. 

Alternately, airflow may be blocked from getting out of the system via the outdoor unit. If heat cannot be released outside because your outdoor unit is particularly dirty, it could get trapped inside and lead to a lack of cooling ability. Fixing this problem may be as simple as hosing off your outdoor unit so heat can escape.

Refrigerant Issues

It’s also possible that a refrigerant leak is causing your air conditioner to stay on for longer. With a refrigerant leak, there isn’t enough of the chemical in the lines to cool down air for your home. As a result, your air conditioner may stay on for longer in an attempt to cool more air for your home.

Our team needs to determine where the refrigerant leak is so that we can repair it and then recharge refrigerant levels, so you have enough to cool your home. Sometimes refrigerant leaks can even lead to ice developing on the refrigerant lines, which blocks airflow and compounds problems when it comes to being able to cool down the air.

Thermostat Calibration

There are also times when your air conditioner itself is not actually the problem at all. There may be an issue with how your thermostat is reading the air temperature inside your home. If it is not reading the temperature accurately, it may signal for your air conditioner to stay on longer.

Sometimes our team needs to re-calibrate the thermostat to ensure it is working correctly. Other times we need to change out the batteries or even clean out the inside because it is dirty. If your thermostat is particularly old, we may recommend upgrading it to a newer model so your HVAC system can work at its best. 

Contact Scaran today to schedule an appointment with our professionals for your HVAC service.

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